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Small Prayers – Big Answers

One month ago, our lives took a detour. It was a beautiful May morning, perfect for getting out the Harley and taking a day ride. I took the day off work, we suited up and headed down the driveway. Five minutes later we were sideswiped by a car changing lanes, slammed up against the guardrail, dragged the length of a bridge, and finally came to a stop-both of us seriously injured but alive.

We were ambulanced to a local hospital. I was then airlifted to a trauma hospital 300 miles away, had a six and one half hour surgery, and spent five days there before returning home. My spouse was treated locally. We are facing a long year of recovery but we are grateful God isn’t done with us yet. My next few posts may be short but I want to share some of the amazing ways God has come through for us.

You never know when something you read will come in handy. Years ago I read an article on motorcycle accidents that pointed out your chances are much better for survival if you can keep the bike upright. So, ever since, I have repeated the same simple prayer every time we mount up and head down the driveway. Nothing literary, theological, or complicated. Just four simple words, “Lord, keep us upright.”

We would not have survived the accident if our bike had gone down. We’d have been thrown into freeway traffic moving 60 to 70 miles an hour. But, by the grace of God and the sheer determination of my husband, he was able to keep the bike up after the car disengaged and bring it to a stop leaning against the guardrail.

I won’t go over the details here of what followed because it was traumatic and extremely painful. What I want to emphasize is the power of a simple prayer.

Often times we feel we have to be eloquent, detailed, super-spiritual and long when we pray. We forget God already knows what we need. In this situation, God did exactly what I asked. I know there is purpose in pain and hardship and that God’s people are not guaranteed a struggle free life. I also know there is still purpose for my life and my spouse’s life because of God’s response to my simple prayer. He kept us upright and as we battle through the next few months I will never lose sight of His faithfulness in that.

In Matthew 15:25, a Canaanite woman prayed a simple prayer.” Lord, help me.” And Jesus rewarded her for her faith by healing her daughter.

In Acts 7:59, Stephen prays,” Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Stephen, facing death, did not beg for mercy or healing or that his life would be spared. His simple prayer was to be welcomed into the kingdom and he was.

Luke 18:13 is the perfect example of a simple prayer. Jesus points out that the eloquence of the Pharisee has little merit. But the prayer from the humble heart of the tax collector, “Lord, have mercy on me”, God heard.

What is your simple prayer today? Here are some suggestions:

Speak your simple prayer and spend your day watching for answers. Small prayers results in big answers. I know.

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